The square 100g Opera Tin is ideal for storing your favourite Elmstock tea. Available in three bright colours with a subtle design, the Opera tins make a statement.
The 100g Tea Around the World Tin illustrates some of the ways people around the world prepare their tea. It's perfect for storing your favourite Elmstock Tea.
First Flush. Malty, full bodied and rich in colour from the Brahamaputa Valley in the northeast of India. This sought after tea is a typical tippy Assam tea.
A belnd of the finest Assam teas from the Brahmaputra Valley in the North East of India. Full bodied and strong makes this an ideal early morning or breakfast tea, perhaps taken with milk.
Premium long leaf black tea with the typical Australian ingredients of Eucalyptus and Lemon Myrtle. It evokes a vision and memory of the Australian bush.